#47 Getting Bird Dogs to Bring you Leads with Christopher Logan
Chris Logan is the Co-Founder and Visionary behind Rise Real Estate Group, a 7-Figure wholesaling company that buys and sells real estate 100% over the phone across multiple states. Chris is also the founder of FlipTEAM, a team-based marketing software that helps investors locate homeowners who are most likely to sell and close more deals using powerful, multi-channel marketing systems.
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Show Transcription:
Tony: (00:00)
Welcome to the real estate masters podcast, where we interview the top names in the real estate game. If you wanna grow your real estate business, see more podcast or get free resources, go to www.remcommunity.com. The only podcast that allows you to directly connect with the guests in many of the highest level names in real estate game, you are in for a treat with our next guest. Do me a favor, subscribe to the podcast, leave us a review. And don’t forget to go to REM community.com to connect with some of the highest level real estate professionals in United States through our community and through our high level masterminds. Let’s go
Tony: (00:40)
Welcome to today’s show I’m Tony Javier, your host, and we are here with Chris Logan. Chris Logan is a, uh, seven figure wholesaler outta the Tampa bay area. I’m excited to talk to him about driving for dollars bird dogging and some of the great things he’s doing to expand his company, not only in Tampa, but to other markets throughout the country. So Chris, welcome to the show. Glad to have you on man.
Chris: (01:04)
Awesome. Tony, thanks for having me. We’re looking forward to, uh, sharing some value today.
Tony: (01:09)
Yeah, absolutely man. So you’ve been crushing it, man. So five years in the business and you’re, you’re expanding very quickly. So, uh, tell people how you got started. How did you get into this business and how did you get kind of where you are in just in five years, expanding to different markets and kind of teaching and motivating other people to, to do what you’re doing?
Chris: (01:29)
Yeah, great question. So my wife and I, we actually got started the business. Um, like I said, probably about five, five or six years ago. And, um, when we first got started, um, you know, it was, uh, my wife and I, we were dating at the time and, uh, I was over to her apartment one day and I was checking my email and I saw this, uh, banner out in my email about Robert Kiosaki coming to Tampa. Right. Hmm. And I was like, man, you know, I just finished reading rich port out. I really want to go and, uh, meet this guy and check this out. Um, but I told Heather, I was like, you know, I, uh, I don’t wanna go on myself. So you wanna go with me? So she said, yes, we went to the event and it was just kinda like a teaser event to kind of teach you like the basics, the very, very surface level basics about real estate.
Chris: (02:13)
But it peaked our enough to where we signed up for the three day, uh, you know, the three day course or bootcamp after that. And they went over all the different types of strategies you can get started in real estate. And the one that really just made sense for us when they were charting, everything out of the board was wholesaling. I was like, man, this makes sense. Right? So we signed up for like a coaching program, uh, with them. It just went over the very basics of wholesaling, nothing crazy, no like nothing about marketing really just had a wholesale and we just, just took it and run, ran with it. And, uh, fast forward to today, um, we’re in, uh, six or seven different markets in different parts of, uh, Florida. And we just expanded into North Carolina looking to donation wine.
Tony: (02:56)
Awesome, man. So tell us, tell us about the expansion. Like what is your reason for wanting to expand into different markets? So some people just they’re they’re in one market, they crush their market. They, they do what they do there and they stick to their backyard. Virtual wholesaling seems to be the big thing. Now people expanding and things of that nature. Um, what’s your reason for wanting to do that?
Chris: (03:19)
Yeah, so really it’s it’s it was kind of like a mind shift that we had. Right? So in the beginning we had this sort of limiting belief where we felt like we had to stay in our market and it was gonna be very, uh, time consuming and costly to go into the markets that we’d have to hire people in those markets. And then we’d have to fly in to train them, have an office. It was just, it was the, the barrier to entry, like just seemed like so high. Right. But then, um, when we shifted to one of our primary, uh, ways of outreaching, the sellers is cold calling, right? So that’s one of the main ways that we reach out to sellers. We realize that going into another market is really just as simple as pulling a list. Um, and it’s it, you know, it’s learning the market, of course, right.
Chris: (03:59)
We have a process that we go through that we’ve tested and the different markets that we’re in, that we can copy and paste in any other market, all over the United States. And when we’re wholesaling, it just makes sense. Right. Because when you’re marketing to list the way we’re marketing to them, um, you go through data fairly quickly. And so you’re always needing new data to come in and feed that machine to feed the data machine. Right. And so with that being said, um, you know, when you run out of lists, you know, going into a new market is just such an easy thing to do because you can just like, okay, I’m gonna pull all my lists that I pulled and these several markets here and that new market, and I’m gonna go there and boom, you have fresh data, uh, to call on and then you can come back and cycle back to the other, uh, markets you started with. So it really just helps keep our data fresh. And it allows us to have a larger footprint because really the, the way that we go about it, what works in one state works in another state. So it makes it, uh, pretty easy to do that.
Tony: (04:55)
Yeah. So tell us about the overall process. So you’re talking about polling list, you’re talking about cold calling. Um, so that, that part of it seems fairly simple, right. But once you get into that market, you know, you’ve gotta run comps. You gotta, um, you have to put properties under contract. Do you actually look at these properties? Do you put ’em under contract site and scene and then wholesale ’em site and scene, like, tell us about the back end of that once you, uh, start getting in touch with these sellers.
Chris: (05:22)
Yeah. So basically what we do is before we’re enter a new market, we pull a, a list of cash buyers first, right. And we’re marketing those cash buyers. And once we get to like a hundred cash buyers, we’re like, okay, we have enough to get started and to be dangerous in that market. Right. And so, uh, once we have that, then we go and we pull all of our lists for sellers that we, that we use the same list we use in all of our other markets. And we pull ’em there and we pull, um, a list of maybe like the top six zip codes in those areas, that test, uh, to see like how viable the market’s gonna be for us. Right. And, um, once we pull those six zip codes and we get our first profit in a contract, that’s when we go all in, we pull the rest of the zip codes and we start pouring, uh, gas on the fire, um, with the marketing, um, one of the great ways that we’ve are able to do that.
Chris: (06:09)
So we, the goal is to enter these markets with, uh, low cost marketing strategies. And one of the ways we also do that is building a team of bird dogs in that market too, through a system that we have to be able to build those out and, um, basically have them start bringing us in sell leads so we can start seeing what type of houses are trading in the markets. What do the local areas look like and things like that. And that really gives us a big advantage, um, when we go into those new markets too.
Tony: (06:35)
Yeah. So tell us about the dogging. We, we had this conversation in one of my mastermind groups, uh, I think it was like last month and we talked about utilizing other people and we talked about bird dogs, other investors, wholesalers, um, agents, and things like that to bring you deals. So tell us about your system. Like how do you train them? How do you get them to bring you deals? What’s your, um, you know, how do you work with them? Kind of, kind of run us through all of that.
Chris: (07:02)
Sure. So, um, what we do is we basically have, um, you know, we, we first started, you know, driving for dollars and it was just very inefficient. It was so hard to be able to set aside the time to be able to do that as most real estate investment companies can probably agree with that. Right. Whether they’re doing it themselves or they’re having their people do it regardless. Um, so we feel having bird dogs bring you leads is a much better way to go about doing it. And so when you’re going about finding the right bird dogs, it’s all about, you know, knowing who their bird dog is, right. Where are they hanging out? Right. What do they want most and what message would really appeal to them to attract them to, to wanna, uh, bring a company like yours leads, right? So you have to have something that makes sense for them to where they’re like, I can see the opportunity, right?
Chris: (07:51)
So, um, we have a software that we just built out. Um, or actually we just started offering it to the general public it’s called bird on. And basically what it is is it’s a, a software that makes audit that automates the entire driving for dollars process. Uh, we have a website that basically we post on different types of, um, websites online where we know bird dogs are going to be on. Right? So like for instance, one of the top places that we attract word dogs is, is classified ads such as like Craigslist, things like that. Right. Because think about why they’re on Craigslist, they’re on Craigslist because you know, they’re looking for money, making opportunities, they’re looking for side gigs, hustles, whatever the case may be. Right. They’re looking for opportunity. And when we ask ourselves, okay, what do they want most? And we place some message in front of them that gives them an opportunity to be able to make money sending leads, uh, to a company like ours, they’re all over it.
Chris: (08:48)
So what they do is they basically, um, opt into our website that, um, educates ’em on the opportunity. It automatically trains them and everything like that. And then from there, what we typically see is within 24 to 48 hours, they start submitting their first chance. So then our team kind of goes to work calling those leads. We text them, we send ’em ringless, voicemails, whatever we gotta do to get ’em on the phone. Uh, that’s what we do. Um, and, uh, that’s how we generate those leads. And to date we’ve, we’ve, uh, generated somewhere around 1500 bird dogs. And I wanna say a little over 2300, uh, property leads.
Tony: (09:22)
So tell us about the training part of it. You train them for free. Is that how you do it? You train ’em for free. So they get your system, they, you train ’em, they go and they, they look for properties. Are they mainly driving for dollars? Is that pretty much a hundred percent? What they’re doing? These bird dogs. Yeah.
Chris: (09:37)
Yep. That’s exactly what they’re doing. So we give ’em a complete training as far as like what to look for, you know, the, uh, types of properties we are looking for, the types of properties we’re not looking for. So that the image is very clear to them on what exactly is gonna be a great fit for our company. Right. And, uh, from there they just go to work finding it. And, um, you know, there’s a lot of like psychological things. We have built into the training too, that gets them to understand that they’re not just gonna be able to submit one lead and have money fall from the sky. Right. Mm. They understand that they gotta submit a volume of leads constantly to be able to make sure that they’re going to get paid consistently. Right. So some of the biggest mistakes I’ve seen investors make when they hire a bird, dog is number one, they try to train themself.
Chris: (10:21)
So they’re investing all this time, energy and effort into the person and the person promises in the world. Yeah. I’m gonna be your best person. I’m gonna submit you all these leads. Right. And then they kind of fall through and the real estate investor kind of feels like, dang, man, I invested all that time in that person. He didn’t work at out. Right. So that was why we wanted to automate the training, um, to be able to make it to where, like we’re not investing time into somebody else. And so they prove their value and they show that they can bring our company value. Then when they start submitting some leads and we start turning those into deals, we can be like, okay, now we can spend some time together.
Tony: (10:54)
Now I like that. And so, so tell us, do you pay them per lead? Do you pay them per closing? Do you do both tell us about the compensation plan there?
Chris: (11:02)
Yeah. So basically what we do is we, uh, we pay them $500 for every lead, uh, that results in revenue generated by our company. And we pay them for all the leads they’ve submitted up to that point. That’s the safest way to describe it basically. Right. But at the end of the day, it’s, whenever we generate revenue as a company from a deal, we pay them 500 bucks.
Tony: (11:23)
Gotcha. That’s cool. I like that. Cuz if you think about it, it’s obviously finding properties, uh, with very little, if any money outta your pocket, cuz I mean, it sounds like some of the marketing you’re doing with Craigslist is free. They’re going out there, they’re finding the leads, they’re motivat, they’re going out there doing the work for you and then they’re getting compensated and you’re only have to having to pay if you close on the deal. Right. Yeah. So, so how did you come across this system? Is it something you just tried in your backyard? It worked and now you’re just kind of plugging it in, plugging it into different markets.
Chris: (11:54)
Yeah. So it’s kind of funny how it came about. Um, I wanted to automate the entire process, uh, when we first started. Right. And um, I started just refining it, putting one thing in place and testing it year over year, just adding another piece and then adding another piece and adding another piece. And then eventually, um, it got to a point where we had this entire system built out. And about two years ago, two, three years ago, three years ago we, uh, joined a mastermind. Uh, it was the first mastermind we ever joined. And um, people in the group were having a, a really big issue with hiring bird dogs. They’re like, man, I’ve set up zoom meetings for bird dogs to try and streamline the training. I’ve, you know, tried training to do, but these guys are such a drain because like they’re they’re, they haven’t produced any, any value for me yet, but they wanting me to invest all my time.
Chris: (12:41)
They one pick my brain. Right. And so I said, well, maybe you should try this. This is what we’ve done. And I showed the system to other people and they’re like, that is amazing. Like, would you sell it to me? And I’m like, well, it’s kind of like our system. We haven’t really, it wasn’t something we were gonna start do to start selling. And, and they said, uh, well what would it take? We had a conversation, agreed on the price. And we did it. We put together a beta test group of about 15 people when we first started and man other people started getting the same results that we were getting. And it wasn’t just in Florida, they were getting results. They were getting in all different parts of the country. And so when I started to see, it was like a thing where other people were getting the similar results, had a conversation, my developer, and he is like, you gotta offer this at scale for a lot of people. Right? Yeah. And so that’s when the beginning of this year, um, or towards the end of last year, we put the plan in place to really scale this out and offer it to people on a larger scale. And, um, we released it in February this year and um, I’ve been getting signups for it. And I mean, it’s just an amazing system and it’s giving people back. The one thing they care about most, which is their freedom.
Tony: (13:46)
That’s cool. That’s how I launched my TV program. People were asking me about TV saying, you know, show me TV. And I’m like, I, whatever. And I just blew ’em off for a long time. And then I realized people need it. And so I, I think out of anything that I’ve heard about other than my TV program, I think yours is probably really outside the box where there’s not many of anybody really teaching this or automating the process. So super cool. Yeah. Um, man, so tell us, um, I guess what to expect from, so, so something in my mind that comes into play, I I’ve tr I’ve tried to train bird dogs. I’ve, I’ve done, you know, the exact same thing you probably went through. And some other people have gone through where I tried to train him and they just submitted a bunch of crap and you know, I didn’t have time to train him and all that.
Tony: (14:28)
So it sounds like this is a great system for this. Um, what about charging them? Like what about charging bird, dogs to get of your system so that when they go into the training, they’re a much, um, much more committed person, even if it’s just a hundred bucks. I don’t know. Just talk to me about that. Have you had a, have you had a lot of, uh, not pushback, but a lot of people sign up for free and then just kind of waste your time and drop out. I mean, just kind of tell us, tell us about that part of it.
Chris: (14:58)
That’s a really interesting, uh, concept. And honestly that might be something we implement. Um, but the whole reason I did it for free in the beginning where they can sign up and then get trained for free and everything like that is because I wanted to be a able to do this at scale. Right. And what was great about having this whole thing automated was, you know, whether the person joins and they submit leads or they don’t submit leads regardless of what happens. I didn’t invest a single second of my time. And that’s what I was really trying to protect was my time. Right. Yeah. And so, um, that’s kind of like the magic in having it, um, automated because if they do sign up and they don’t submit many leads, it’s no sweat off your back. But if they do submit leads then fantastic. So it’s really a volume game.
Chris: (15:40)
You’re, you’re, you’re trying to sign up as many people as you possibly can to find the handful of people that are going to be your rock stars. For instance, one of my, of guys have submitted over a thousand leads, just one. Right. Wow. And so, uh, right now I wanna say we’re averaging about 1.6, seven leads per bird, dog as they, as they come through. So not everybody submits leads, some people sign up and they never do anything. Right. But again, and then some people sign up and they’ll submit like a hundred leads, 200 leads. Right. And it really comes down to those guys being the needle movers for you. And we’ve found that typically, um, for once you get a quality bird dog and they start submitting leads that are exactly what you’re looking for. It takes about 25 to 35 leads submitted to be able to get a contract.
Tony: (16:33)
Yeah. So I think it was like, I don’t know, at least 10 years ago, it might have been 15 years ago. I tried to train bird dogs and uh, I say train, I find bird dogs. I never really trained them. And so I’d be like, go, go find his properties. And literally there’s this one person after I talked to them, I went into my inbox and they had like an email, like 30 emails with like a link to a listing that was already listed, you know? And you’re like, and I’m like, come on. Like, and so I had to develop a little system for ’em to like analyze the property. I’m like, okay, you need to, or, or maybe it wasn’t even analyze the property. I think I made it harder for them where I had to, you know, had ’em put em into a sheet where I was like, put the price, put, you know, and all these things here. Um, how do you do that? How do you pre-qualify or get them to pre-qualify the lead and send it to you or do you even have them do that? Do you just have, ’em send you, um, like, you know, dilapidated houses where you plug ’em into a system and then just start mailing them, uh, tell, tell us how you train them on finding the properties and how to speak. Yeah.
Chris: (17:31)
So yeah, so there’s a series of, uh, emails that goes out and also a guide that they get when they sign up for the opportunity. And it walks ’em through from a to Z, how to, how to get started as a real estate bird, dog, and how to make consistent income between 500,000 a month. And so we show ’em how to get started, why to be a bird dog. And then from there, like we showed ’em how to make consistent income with it. And, um, and uh, basically what we wanted ’em to focus on was just one simple thing, because you gotta keep in mind, like they’re not getting paid from the leads right away that they submit. Right. So the more that you pile on for them to do the least like the less likely they’re actually gonna do it right. And the less people are gonna sign up.
Chris: (18:12)
So we want them to be focused on one thing. And one thing only submitting the one address, right. Submitting, uh, the address of a property that looks like it’d fit. Um, the criteria that we’re looking for. So as real estate investors, you know, I think we can all agree that we’re all looking for the same for thing. We’re looking for distress properties that we can purchase that a discount resell for a profit. Right. And so having been in this business for, you know, the last five, six years, um, I’ve come up with a pretty good idea of what real estate investors are looking for and what we see in our marketing on a daily basis. Right. And so when we show ’em, Hey, this is what we’re looking for. And we also show, Hey, this is more not looking for, not looking for properties of realtor sites.
Chris: (18:51)
We’re not looking for properties that are new construction. We’re not looking for X, Y, and Z. Like it makes that picture more clear for them. So they can vision envision like what it is exactly what we want. Right. Because that’s a thing I think real estate investors can make it really complicated. And I did this myself too. Right. So estate investors can make it really complicated for bird dogs because they will talk to them like they’re on the same level, um, education real estate wise, right? So we’re talking the lingo of a real estate investor that if I was talking to you, or you were talking to one of your friends, like they would totally get it. Right. But these guys are aren’t even bootcamp level education. These guys are like pre pre pre boot camp. Or I don’t even know I was interested in real estate.
Chris: (19:36)
I just wanna make money. Right. And so we explain it to them from that point of view so they can understand and get in their mind, even though they’re not a real estate investor and they haven’t been doing it for years, like we have, they can get a clear idea of what we’re looking for. And so have that it makes them happier. It makes them less stressed on submitting the wrong types of leads. Because let me tell you, man, nothing frustrates bird dogs, more than as the investor, you telling them, Hey, you know, you have this picture in your mind of what they should bring you, but that’s not translating over them. So like, they’ll say you properties list on the MLS, like you mentioned, right. I had a guy, uh, that used to be a, um, he was an inspector for like foreclosures. And so he would go ahead, but all these were on the MLS. And so he would go through and send me a list of like 300 properties. And I’m looking at all these I’m like these, none of these are gonna, none. These are gonna work. They’re not the types of properties were looking for. Right. And so I had to really, really work to refine that process until we finally got it dialed in to where nearly every lead someone submits, unless they straight up, don’t read the training, don’t read the guide. Um, it’s, uh, you know, they’re submitting something we can work with.
Tony: (20:49)
That’s super cool. I think this is a great way to find, uh, leads for a very low cost. So if someone wants to find out about this program, where do they go to take a look at it?
Chris: (20:58)
Yeah. So we do a live presentation weekly on, uh, on this, uh, on the software and they can go to bird, dog secrets.com and you still all that, just like it sounds, uh, bird, dog secrets.com and register for the upcoming web class. And in that we dive into everything we talk about like, you know, why, um, real estate investors would want to leverage bird dogs in their business to do more deals. Right? We talk about how to automate the process. And then we go over our three step deal conversion system that can turn these leads into great deals, um, more than ever before. So again, go to BirdDog secrets.com and you can learn all about it.
Tony: (21:33)
Very cool. So tell us about, um, we’ll kind of start wrapping this up here. So tell us about some things you’ve learned in your business. So just from a general standpoint, um, what are some things that you feel like other real estate investors should know? Uh, with less you’ve learned over the last five years, you’ve grown really fast the last five years. So I’m sure over five years, there’s a lot of lessons that are learned. What are some lessons that you can share with, with our listeners when it comes to growing a real estate investing business,
Chris: (22:00)
This is an exciting question for me. And I’m really glad you ask it because I’m really passionate about helping people. And if I can help people, like just cut, like even a third of the learning curve that I went through and my wife went through to get started in this business, like all the better. Right? So one of the big mistakes that I made in the very beginning, okay. Is my criteria for what was a deal was way too tight, way too tight. Right. I was saying if like, I can’t pick up a for at least 47% of market value, then it’s not a deal. Right. I left a lot of money on the table like that. Right. So I would say, um, don’t be so tight with your criteria that you leave money on the table. Right. And don’t put your own like perception on what’s a deal.
Chris: (22:44)
And what’s not a deal because again, you’re thinking about it, like, okay, like, like would I buy this or would this work for me? Or if I was gonna put this money into it, would that make sense for me by, by you thinking about like that again, you’re leaving money on the table. You have to ask your buyers, Hey, what do you guys want? And then you go find that. So number two would be, find your buyer first. Especially if you’re wholesaling, even if you’re of rehabbing, you gotta think about, you know, before you even buy the property, who am I gonna sell this to? Like, what’s the ideal avatar of the person that’s gonna buy this property? Is it like a working, working class family? Is it gonna be a family? That’s that’s, uh, maybe they are, um, really into the downtown scene, you know, like things that I can mention in my listing to, to, to attract the right type of buyer.
Chris: (23:31)
Right. So I would say, find your buyer first. That’s really big. And that’s a big MIS the biggest mistake that I see wholesalers make is they go out there, they market to sellers, and they’re taught in their trainings that if you get a good deal, you’ll sell it, which is there’s some truth to that. Right. But you can make it a heck of a lot easier on yourself by finding that buyer first. Right. And then the last thing that I would say, um, is hire a team, right? So we hired way too slow. I know you’re saying we have fast growth, but as entrepreneurs, like, I feel like we never feel like we grow fast
Tony: (24:01)
Enough. Right. For sure. For sure.
Chris: (24:03)
Um, we waited way too long to hire. We waited. Um, we didn’t hire our first person until two and a half years ago. I wanna say. And, um, I would say in this business, when you should hire is probably when you’re doing, you know, two to three deals a month consistently as a wholesaler, if you’re a wholesaler two to three a month consistently bring on your first person. Right. But even before that would be like an acquisition manager. But before that bring on someone like a VA to handle all the admin tasks, the daily minutia to get you out of the daily grind of like downloading lists and uploading lists and all that stuff. That’s a big reason that I see, uh, wholesalers, um, have a lot of, uh, a very difficult time in the beginning when they’re starting is they’re spending all their time in the wrong places. Right. They’re spending their time, like what’s the best list to call on, or what’s the best, you know, thing to get. Right. But at the end of the day, just take action. Right. Just have someone else do that stuff. And then you focus on either talking with sellers or, and get in front of sellers and that’s it.
Tony: (25:08)
Yep. Totally agree. I was, I did a podcast with someone the other day and they said, if you do $10 an hour task, you’re gonna have a $10 bank account. And that’s what a lot of people do, you know? And I’m sure you, you and I catch each other too. Sometimes we’re like, why are we doing this? Like we should, we should have, yeah, no someone else be doing this too. So, you know, obviously we’re not perfect, but you know, a lot of investors will do things that even like, there’s a guy in my mastermind that was, um, uh, he’s doing close to a hundred deals a year and he’s pulling his own comps. And I’m like, why are you pulling your own comps? And I said, how many properties have you comped in the last year? And he did the number and it was an astronomical amount. And I go, why don’t you have someone else pull the comps, put the property under contract. And then when you get the property in a contract, verify the comps, like chances are, if you train someone to do it well, and he is like, oh my God, that’s gonna save me so much time. So yeah.
Chris: (25:56)
And isn’t, it’s so funny. Like how you, you, you share these things and then like you see the light bulb blow off in their mind. They’re like, it is possible.
Tony: (26:03)
Oh yeah. It’s like the four minute mile. Like once someone realizes the four minute mile, it was possible, then everybody else did it. Like, just like with business automation. Like when I, like, I was 10 years in the business. So I’ve been in business 20 years, 10 years in the business before I realized that you could step outta your business, not have to meet with sellers, not have to meet with contractors. Yeah. Once that light bulb went off, I’m like, oh my God, like, I’m there. I already, I, I already envisioned myself there took me. It took me three or four years to get there. But man, you just, you just don’t turn back. So
Chris: (26:34)
You learned so much on that journey. And like, if I could, you know, if I could tell you how many hours and days, months probably I sat trying to sat down, trying to figure out how to write the perfect direct nail piece. Like, it’d be embarrassing to actually share that number. But, but no. Yeah. I mean, once you, once you figure out that certain things can be outsourced and you don’t have to do business this way, like you, there is another way. It’s just so like, like liberating, what it can do for you. And it gives you back your freedom your time and it makes it to where you can take that time, um, and start investing into some things that really count. Right. And even invest more in your family, free time outside of that too. Right. So, I mean, you’re right, it’s this, this journey is, is so funny. And like, no matter how long you do it, there’s always something that you can, and there’s always someone that comes across your way that shares something. And you’re like, that is so amazing. Like why didn’t I think of that? Right. But that’s the power of masterminds and I’m sure the mastermind you have is awesome. And, and that’s just, uh, that’s the power of getting around other people and getting those other ideas.
Tony: (27:40)
Yeah. Well, good stuff. Well, SHA uh, thanks for sharing again, your system and what you’re doing. So again, go to bird, dog secrets.com and check it out. I’m actually gonna check it out myself, cuz I didn’t know about it until we jumped on this. So, uh, I’ll get my team on this as well and we’ll check it out. So thanks again for your time. Uh, if you guys wanna get ahold of Chris anywhere else, uh, anywhere else they can get ahold of you, Chris, besides bird dog secrets.com.
Chris: (28:03)
Yeah, sure. Can go ahead and do a couple different things. They can follow me on Facebook. Um, my username on Facebook I think is C Logan 7 77. Um, and they can send me an email@chrisatbdleadmachine.com. Can you spell it again? Chris? C H R I S. BD like BirdDog lead machine.com.
Tony: (28:21)
All right. Good stuff. Well, thanks again, Chris. And we’ll talk to you soon, man.
Chris: (28:25)
Sounds good. Thanks for having me.
Tony: (28:29)
Thanks for listening. Now. Go to www.remcommunity.com to connect with today’s guest. See your high level masterminds and to get free resources. Don’t forget to share this with a friend and leave us a five star review we’ll see ya on the next episode.