#52 Journey from NFL to Real Estate Success with Dean Rogers
Dean Rogers played for the San Diego Chargers until concussions caused him to hang up the cleats. In 2012 he started working for a tech company but realized it wouldn’t get him where he wanted to go. It wasn’t until 2013 he found wholesaling and in 2014 he started flipping. Dean founded Home Helps Group, LLC and grew his business to 100 deals a year in central California. He specializes in DEAL FINDING and RAISING CAPITAL.
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Show Transcription:
Tony: (00:00)
Welcome to the real estate masters podcast, where we interview the top names in the real estate game. If you wanna grow your real estate business, see more podcast or get free resources, go to www.remcommunity.com. The only podcast that allows you to directly connect with the guests in many of the highest level names in real estate game,
Tony: (00:22)
You are in for a treat with our next guest. Do me a favor, subscribe to the podcast, leave us a review, and don’t forget to go to REM community.com to connect with some of the highest level real estate professionals in United States through our community and through our high level masterminds, let’s go,
Tony: (00:40)
Hey guys, to Tony Javier here, we’re here with Dean Rogers, former NFL San Diego charger turned real estate investor. Today. We’re gonna talk about how he went from, uh, his NFL career to flipping houses. And now he’s on TV. Uh, he’s flipping in a couple different markets. Does some whole selling, does some flipping and does some really cool stuff with his meetup groups and all that good stuff. So Dean, what’s going on, bud?
Dean: (01:04)
What’s up, man. Thanks for having me.
Tony: (01:06)
Absolutely, Man. Thanks for coming on for sure. So this is our first video podcast. Um, if you guys are watching on, uh, YouTube, uh, this will be, um, one of many, uh, video podcasts. We’ll do Dean and I both live in San Diego, so we thought we’d get together and talk. Good friends, been known each other for a while, both doing some cool stuff. So we thought we’d, uh, have Dean on and yeah, share his story and what he’s doing with TV now.
Dean: (01:28)
Cool. And Hey, we’re in here. It’s like pretty calm and chill. We’re not, uh, battling it out on the pickle ball court right now,
Tony: (01:35)
Which isn’t very good for Dean. It’s pretty cool. Being
Dean: (01:38)
Able. It’s pretty great. Last time.
Tony: (01:39)
It’s pretty cool. Being able to beat a UHS former NFL player at a sport, you know,
Dean: (01:45)
Well, uh, you know what, it’s, uh, you’re
Tony: (01:48)
Speechless. I,
Dean: (01:49)
I, I dunno what to say, but uh, you know what, I’m getting better. I don’t have quite the practice that you do. You played, uh, maybe even a couple times a day. Um, you might even have it like virtually set up in your house where you’ve got the go, the Oculus and you’re just Ugh, playing and playing and staying out of the kitchen and
Tony: (02:06)
Stuff. Well, you know, visualization’s a big thing, right? So like even not playing, like I visualize how bad oh, probably have dreams about it, how bad I’m beating you.
Dean: (02:13)
I thought about this the other day. There’s no way you don’t have dreams about it with how much you’re thinking about it.
Tony: (02:18)
Honestly, I don’t think I’ve ever had a pickleball dream. That’s I’ll tell you the truth. That’s I’ll tell you the truth, but anyhow, let’s talk real estate. I okay. Sure. So tell your story, Dean, you, you, uh, you know, we’re in San Diego, um, we were just talking about this earlier with someone and I think you, you found San Diego cuz you, uh, got drafted, uh, outta the NFL and yeah. Played football for a couple years. So tell us about that and how you transitioned into, into real estate. Yeah.
Dean: (02:41)
So there’s lots of stories, uh, of the NFL. Um, we could do a whole nother podcast on that, but um, NFL was amazing, dude. Uh, you know, you spend your whole life for me up to that point, dreaming of that moment, you know, and, and working towards that goal, literally everything in my life, uh, life is pretty simple. You realize once you’re an adult, how, how simple life was life was going to school, playing sports and eating food, playing with your friends. Like that’s all it was, you know? Um, so very little responsibility and, and my passion is always been sports. It still is one of my biggest passions. Um, and so I, I just love the competitiveness of it. And um, naturally you like things that you’re good at and God gave me different gifts physically. So I was good at good at sports growing up and, uh, had always had my, you know, a different favorite sport growing up, um, basketball when I was playing basketball, it was my favorite sport.
Dean: (03:48)
Football was my favorite sport. Um, and so, uh, I realized in high school about midway through high school. All right. Football’s probably my it sport. You know, I was starting to get letters in the mail from Scouts and um, went to some, some camps and stuff like that. So I realized, all right, well, senior year I’m gonna cut out on basketball cuz uh, coach what’s that, what’s that movie, um, coach hard. What was it? Do you remember the movie? I’m sorry. It’s the movie where they’re playing basketball and the coach is like super hardcore, always conditioning is that’s coach Carter, Samuel coach Carter. There you go. There you, yeah. Coach Carter came out and my junior year of basketball season, I lost like, I dunno, five or 10 pounds cuz he was just conditioning the hell out of us. And so I was like, all right, football’s my sport.
Dean: (04:38)
So I got big, um, winning played tight end. I played running back in high school and I wanted, you know, have the ball in my hands as much as possible and score a bunch. And then college came, you know, flash forward through that senior year, junior year, you know, had Scouts coming out. I knew, all right, this thing is starting to come together. Feels like it could be real, but it’s still, unless I was, you know, uh, um, you know, highly recruited or a Heisman trophy front runner, uh, at, you know, Alabama, like you’re still kind of on the fringe of knowing whether you’re gonna make it or not, you know, um, but had Scouts coming and watching me and then, you know, uh, senior year comes and goes and the, it was the year of the lockout when I went into the NFL. So it went from all of the, you know, pre-draft stuff with the combine and, and the Scouts and doing those different camps and stuff like that to all of a sudden zero communication.
Dean: (05:40)
So again, I can share all these stories later, but coming out right on the other side of the lockout lifting got a call right away from the chargers pack your bags and you know, it was just like a wild ride from there. It was just, um, you know, a whole different life that you dreamt of. You saw TV shows about, about this kind of, um, other reality that some people live in and that’s pretty much what I lived. You know, it was pretty nuts. Just like everything you went to was like a red carpet event type of thing. You know, um, people following you around at the streets and following you to your car, you, it’s not like I was Philip Rivers on the team. I was just a, like an average dude that just joined the team, you know? And you still have this stuff happening. Um, women like waiting outside of places or just coming right in and like walking up to people like just crazy, crazy stuff like that. I still
Tony: (06:35)
Have that in my life that you don’t have to be an NFL player for that to
Dean: (06:37)
Happen. You’re on the pickle ball cord. They see you sweating and just spiking the ball. They’re like, man, that guy’s got that.
Tony: (06:43)
Dude’s good.
Dean: (06:44)
That is good. They’re just waiting for you when you get, come off the court,
Tony: (06:46)
What can you do? You know, you’re that good? You can’t
Dean: (06:48)
Help it. Um, so you know, lots of stories like that and um, kind like sum up my whole NFL experience. The, the best thing for me personally from like a fulfillment standpoint was I knew I could play at that level. And that was like a big thing for me. Cuz when I first got there day one, I was kind of nervous that I wasn’t gonna be able to play cuz I remember showing up and I went to small D one, a, a school in college. Um, and so getting there every skill player was my size, which is more or less what I was kind of used to. But the linemen were just so Gargan that you, you thought you were playing amongst giants and you thought that you were just gonna get destroyed. Um, so day one of like, you know, uh, landing on the plane, getting here, getting, getting to, to meet the eyes.
Dean: (07:39)
I had that feeling of like nervousness, but day two woke up and I was like, let’s fricking do this. You know? And I remember the very first play. Um, I lit up Bob Sanders, pro bowler, Bob Sanders and north Turner threw his clipboard in the air. He’s like that’s right Rogers. Like I was like, yeah, I made it, dude, this is sick. That’s what it was. It was just a hundred miles an hour from there. And so I came out of that experience, just like feeling, um, feeling fulfilled, you know, um, I didn’t didn’t have the career I thought I was gonna have because you know, again, north Turner was telling me, Hey, you’re gonna have a long career and not just once but several times. And so I’m like, this is, this is cool. But from, from the neck down, I felt amazing like better than I ever had cuz of the nutrition and the treatment and all that kind of stuff.
Dean: (08:30)
And, but from the neck up, I was quickly feeling it more than ever. Uh, just from the pounding that I was gonna be a vegetable and um, my brain was gonna be suffering if I was just doing this playing against the best of the best and the biggest and strongest in the world, if you want to call it that. And so I just knew that if I kept going down this route that I was probably gonna have a shorter life. Um, so I made the decision to hang up the cleats from there, which was extremely difficult and tough. Um, you know, arguably one of the toughest decisions I made in my life cuz had, I kept going, what would life look like? Would it be different worse? Don’t know. Um, but flash forward coming out of that and kind of how I got into real estate, like you were asking, um, I got started in the corporate world right away.
Dean: (09:22)
Like I didn’t wait around for a year or two years trying to find myself or, you know, hoping for opportunity, opportunity just kind of landed in front of me. Um, and was, was blessed because of that. A, a buddy of mine from college who I played football with, he hit me up. He’s like, Hey Dean, I know you’re, you’re done playing. Um, I’ve got an awesome opportunity. You should check out. I’m working for this tech company up in the bay area. So I was like, tell me more about, it sounded like right up my alley, something that I would do well at and enjoy, he basically walked me in the door, got me an interview and immediately join them. And um, that really helped kind of propel me forward. Just get started working right away at a great job. But after a year of working my off and feeling like I added a ton of value, they’re like, you know, pat on the back, you know, here’s, uh, a thousand dollars more raise in your salary or whatever it was.
Dean: (10:18)
And I was like, uh, NFL lifestyle, new corporate lifestyle. Uh, I’m not gonna quite get to that same kind of feeling of freedom and um, really choice. Like when you’re at this different level, you know, you’ve got a, a, a salary of 1.2, five, 5 million to now $65,000. It’s a little bit different lifestyle. Totally. So for me, I was like, okay, there needs to be something else. And I’m, I’m almost convinced it was the Dean Graziosi. Uh, late night shows that I almost bought his course when I was, you know, 12 years old or whatever that was still in my mind of real estate.
Tony: (10:57)
So did you buy his course?
Dean: (10:58)
I didn’t never did
Tony: (10:59)
Because I, I, I started with uh, no down payment system by Carleton sheets. Okay. His late night course.
Dean: (11:05)
Oh, cool.
Tony: (11:06)
Yeah. I can’t even, I can’t remember when I bought it, but I think it was late night. I think I was up late night just watching this commercial and the, and the, this,
Dean: (11:14)
What age do you think you were?
Tony: (11:15)
Oh, I know I was 2020 or I think I just turned 20 or 21. I can’t remember. Okay. 2001, whatever that was. Yeah. Um, but yeah, so, you know, cuz he, Carlton sheets was the first person I ever, uh, remember having the testimonials on their marketing cause you know, that’s that sells right? Sure does. If you have someone that says, Hey, they feel authentic. Yeah. I made a certain amount of money in this timeframe and this is how I did it with this guy. You’re gonna buy, potentially buy from that guy. So, so that’s what I saw. I saw, oh, I own a hundred properties now and $10,000 a month positive cash flow. And it was those numbers and all of those testimonials that I’m
Dean: (11:55)
Like, you feel a certain way
Tony: (11:56)
I can do that. I know I can. Yeah.
Dean: (11:57)
So that’s awesome. So I, I, I remember just being a teenager, like seeing that stuff and now fresh outta college, played in the NFL now I’m, I’m here figuring out like, what is it that I like, because this isn’t gonna get me to where I want to get. And it was pretty much the first thing that came to mind. Again, I, I feel fortunate that I came across this mentally and then searching it. Um, but sure enough went to Google typed in how to get started in real estate or it might have been real estate investing or something like that. And just came across sh Terry uh, flip two freedom podcast and it was just a free podcast. It was just audio. And I just listened to it obsessively. And from 90 days, three months from the very first day I listened to it to 90 days from there I closed my first deal and it was, uh, there’s a story in that where basically got a property. I was following exactly what Sean Terry was saying to do. And then I, uh, couldn’t find a buyer. So I contacted his acquisitions guy. I submitted the property on his website. His acquisitions guy called me. He was like, oh yeah, Sean could probably find a buyer, put me in contact with Sean, got on the phone with, with me. He’s like, oh yeah, we’ll get that sold, sold it for a $12,000 profit. We split it. I made 6,000 bucks and I was like, like, all right, I can repeat this. Like I know this works. So, um,
Tony: (13:27)
So that’s a big thing though, right? Is most people, they, they get courses, they listen to podcasts or you know, that kind of thing, but they don’t do anything with it. That’s
Dean: (13:34)
The problem.
Tony: (13:35)
So that’s, that’s like the biggest thing that I, that I see with people is that they’re like, you know, I wanna do this, but I, I don’t have enough money or I wanna do this because there’s always an excuse of why. Yeah. They start.
Dean: (13:45)
Tony: (13:45)
Had you not gotten that taste of that $6,000, you know, you, you wouldn’t have been like, okay, this is real wouldn.
Dean: (13:52)
Would’ve been a believer. Yeah.
Tony: (13:53)
Dean: (13:54)
Yeah. So I think one of the biggest things for me and I’ve continued to do it and why I, I feel like I’ve found success is just the persistence, you know? And so many people they give up when they hit a roadblock or they’ve been feel like they’ve been spending too much time, but just continuing to push through. So, um, yeah man, that’s how I got started in real say,
Tony: (14:16)
Cool man. Well, let’s talk about TV. I love TV as if you guys have been, if you guys have followed me or, or know me much. So, um, so I, I get real estate investors on TV throughout the country and I just love hearing the results. I get texts. And I see in my Facebook group all the time, people, man, I made a hundred K this month or a hundred K on this deal from TV and all that kind of stuff. And Dean’s been with me on TV for about a year now, a year now, about a year now. Yeah. Um, so you know, the thing, the thing that, uh, I love about business is doing things different than other people, right? Um, there’s obviously copying and pacing. What other people do can do very well. But then also finding something that other people don’t do is big, which TV does. Yeah. Uh, but same thing with TV. Like when you and I talked about TV, it took you a little while, you know, we had a few conversations about it and you’re like, eh,
Dean: (15:08)
It twist my arm a little bit.
Tony: (15:09)
Yeah. I didn’t really twist your arm. I was just like, dude, you, you keep asking me like, what is the thing that could get me over, like to the next thing? And I, and I just like dude TV, that’s, that’s all. I mean, I’d just be like, dude TV, let’s try TV, you know? Yeah. And then finally you jumped on board. So I wanna talk about your, your last year on TV. Um, so tell us what it’s done for you, I guess just from a, a global perspective and we’ll kind of jump into some numbers.
Dean: (15:33)
Yeah. Um, so I got all the numbers written down. So when it’s number time, I’ll start, I’ll rapid fire those, but, uh, TV is, has been awesome. Um, for me, it’s done a couple really big things, you know, and just to go back to what you were saying, cuz I think for those that are, you know, potentially listening and, and wondering if it’s right for them or does it make sense? Um, for whatever reason, you know, the biggest thing with me, one of the barriers to entry was, you know, how much effort and time is it gonna take for me to get set up? That was probably the biggest barrier for me, cuz I felt like I’m just so busy in the day to day, got so much going on in life. Um, from, from a, a business standpoint, plus just life with kids is really busy.
Dean: (16:20)
So do I really have enough time to figure out how to get started in TV? I didn’t really fully truly understand the full program yet. Hadn’t asked you enough questions. So that was the first part. And then as like, uh, how expensive is it gonna be? Is it gonna be worth it? Is it gonna work? Am I gonna spend a, to ton of money and it’s just not gonna pan out. So those were the, the two big obstacles for me and hurdles overcome. And once I had that, one more conversation with you, um, you really laid it out that it’s a done for you program. That was hands down the biggest thing that was like, okay, I’ll do it. Um, because I had gone through some other programs, I won’t mention ’em but gone through some other programs that showed you a blueprint, but didn’t really do it all the way for you. And that, that was the sticking point for me because with the TV, probably the biggest unknown very specifically is putting together, um, your budget and working with the channels and understanding what time of the day and how much to spend. And that’s already all figured
Tony: (17:29)
Out and that’s the big barrier of
Dean: (17:31)
Tony: (17:31)
Right? That’s why a lot of people don’t do TV is cuz they think it’s two expensive. Um, it’s gonna be too too much time to set up. Um, I don’t wanna be on TV or I don’t, I don’t think I’ll look good on TV and there’s been so many people I’ve talked to they’re like, I don’t think I’d be good on TV. And then we shoot the commercial with them and they’re like, actually it looks pretty good. We can, we can do some good editing, you know? Yeah. Um, so, so overcoming those obstacles sound like a big, big thing to you and then just how much time did it take you on your side of it for us to get TV center for
Dean: (18:02)
You? Yeah, that was a, that was the most exciting part for me is because, um, you had the script already. That’s another other, again, I get sometimes caught up in the details and get in my own way. Um, even though I know better, I know it’s better if I just do it. Right. Um, so in this case it was all right, you got all the ads figured out the time it’s gonna be scheduled, the price that it’s gonna be. Not only the price is gonna be, but negotiated for you. That was another huge part. Um, but then the, the script itself, like, okay, I know what I do. I can give someone an elevator pitch, but what is the perfect script to have in a commercial? What to say, how to say it, you already had like that completely mapped out. You’ve been doing it for over a decade.
Dean: (18:48)
So, um, me just picking, I want that commercial. I’m gonna say exactly that I’m gonna write it out and then practice saying it at home. And then I literally called a buddy here in San Diego and was like, Hey, I’m shooting this commercial. Could I use your studio? You know, um, shout out to my buddy, Chris Carter, who has forged four by four, he has a company that you you’ll see. Some of those ads where it’s like, you know, enter a chance to win this souped up Jeep that has, you know, a hundred thousand dollars of upgrades into it. Um, they do an amazing job. So he has a studio right there in his workshop. So I just showed up and um, he threw it up there on a teleprompter. I wasn’t good at a teleprompter. He’s like, you look like, know what you’re saying? So I just had it memorized by heart. Just did a couple takes. That was, it took the raw, the raw video sent it to your dude’s team and they edit did all the editing, everything. Again, another piece of the puzzle figured out for us already, not only the script, all the, every thing was handled, including the editing, which is another big piece. So it was just super easy.
Tony: (19:55)
Awesome. So again, we’re getting into the numbers in a minute. What has it done for you, uh, for your credibility in your market? Yeah. Cause you do like meet up groups, which we’ll talk about here a little bit. Hopefully.
Dean: (20:05)
So I mean the timing couldn’t have been better because with everything that’s been going on in the couple years, um, more people are focused to media, right? Whether it’s online or TV or whatever it is. So trying to get eyeballs on you and your company and figuring out how to stand out amongst other people, um, was something that I realized and recognize we needed to do. And so having been doing investing for years and, and really focusing on branding brand, brand brand, we’ve been doing a pretty good job. People know us, they know what we’re doing and kind of the results that we’re having. But as soon as we did TV, the credibility was, was nuts. Like just constantly from other local investors, sending me text messages of a picture of them watching the commercial saying, Hey, great job. Or, oh, I’d love to sell this house to this guy right here.
Dean: (21:03)
Or, or the opposite. I’ll never sell my house to this guy. You know, something like that. Um, just the credibility is hands down, just getting calls, you know, out of the blue, Hey dude, saw your commercial, great job. You guys are killing it. Um, so instant celebrity status from a local real estate industry standpoint. And then I, I got a couple good stories I’ll share with you from like the, um, like the general public. So first good story is, uh, my mother-in-law calls me out of the blue. I tell you this story yet. Yeah, yeah. A few times. Okay. Yeah. Probably a few times. Right. So she calls me out of the blue and she’s like, oh my gosh, I have to tell you this story. She called me like off the hook that day. Um, and hadn’t got back to her. So she calls me.
Dean: (21:49)
And then, um, she’s like, I have to tell you this story. She’s like, I was at work and she works at a hospital and she’s like, I was at work in the, um, in the break room. Right. Like in the kitchen and I, uh, heard your commercial come on. And so, you know, she had already heard it and seen it. She didn’t think of anything of it. And she heard this group of girls, these, these nurses behind her go, oh, I’d sell my house to him. And uh, she, my mother-in-law turns around. She’s like, uh, that’s my, my son-in-law you beep. And uh, they’re like, yeah. Right. And so she pulls out her phone and shows a picture of her with me and they’re like, oh, well, it’s, they’ll sell my house to ’em anyways. And, uh, I was like, nice. She’s like, yeah, but you better not be doing anything.
Dean: (22:35)
Now that you’re a celebrity. I was like, no, I’m good. So that was, that was one good story. Now another good story that’s even better. Uh, from a credibility standpoint is, uh, one of my, my buddies sent me this picture and, uh, it was, it was me on the TV. So I was like, okay, just another, another guy sending me a picture of me on the TV. He calls me after maybe 30 minutes an hour had passed. And he is like, you’ll never believe what happened. He’s like, you know, you know, uh, you know that appointment, it’s not gonna go well when you’re walking a property with the seller and your commercial comes on. So my buddy was walking this house with a seller, trying to get it under contract. They’re walking through the living room and my commercial comes on. They both stop and watch it comfortably.
Dean: (23:28)
And then she goes, do you have a commercial? He’s like, nah, who got the deal? So the, the funny part about that to build on it, uh, is I already had it under contract. So what was the seller doing still showing this house? Well, again, unfold it a little more good friend, good local friend who we have trust and, you know, good relationship with another investor was friends of the seller. So they were friends of the seller and they connected our mutual friend. We, it, the seller, Hey, Hey Mike, why don’t you, you know, go on the appointment, get it under contract. You know, we’ll, we’ll work the deal out essentially. Like they’re probably gonna partner on it, but he, Mike, our, uh, our mutual friend would be the face kind of remove conflict of interest. So he’s, he goes on the appointment. We find out, I immediate say, no, no, no, we got that under contract.
Dean: (24:27)
You said, it’s on what address? Uh, we already got that. So we call the seller and, um, I don’t think they picked up or anything. So then we called the mutual friend who had introduced and said, Hey, this is the deal. We have it on a contract. They said, don’t worry. We got you covered. So they called the seller, they straightened the ’em out and said, Hey, you already got a contract under contract with these guys. You know, don’t, don’t mess around with it, just close on it. So they help kind of back us up and support it again because of that credibility. Um, and the relationship that we’ve built with them, it just help get that deal done. Yeah.
Tony: (25:01)
Yeah. So there’s a, there’s a lot of cool things about being on TV. So when I first started TV on, honestly, I didn’t know what to expect. Um, and so, so, you know, I was thinking, man, it’d be cool to be on TV just to show people what I do. And then the relationships I have, hopefully they’ll kind of send me deals and, you know, really for me, I thought it was kind of more of a branding play, but then the first month I made like 35 grand right off the bat. And we’re seeing that from pretty much almost every single client we launch that was that
Dean: (25:29)
Our exact first deal, 35
Tony: (25:30)
Grand. Yeah. Almost immediately like the results are popping in. So it’s been 12 months now. Um, you just close two big deals, uh, $50,000 deal on a $40,000 deal. What just last week
Dean: (25:42)
On Friday,
Tony: (25:42)
Uh, last week. So 90 grand and one week from TV. So let it into results.
Dean: (25:48)
All right, let’s do it. So I got it all right here. Um, and again, just to put an asterisk next to the, the number of leads we’ve got, we definitely have some that have gone through our website that if they didn’t turn into a deal and we ended up making sure to find out where they came from, they, they easily could have turned into, um, a website lead that went dead or warm or whatever, right. To be determined. So that being considered the number of lifetime leads that we’ve had is 294 leads. Okay. So I actually didn’t do the math on this, but 2 94 divided by 12. Yeah. 20 some about 24 leads a month, which is great. I mean, mean, if you can say, I’m gonna get 24 leads a month
Tony: (26:31)
In good quality leads right
Dean: (26:33)
In great quality.
Tony: (26:34)
Cause the quality of leads is better than pretty much any form of advertising that I’ve seen. Right.
Dean: (26:39)
Cause cold calling one of our best, highest performing ROI, but they’re kind of far and few between deals for us. We want consistent deal flow. And with cold calling, I gotta do, you know, 60 or 70 leads before I get a deal. Um, in this case, you know, 294 leads over 12 months, it’s how long we’ve been doing it. We’ve had 20 or under contract. So two, two deals a month, um, 19 of ’em are closed, closed deals. And some of those fell outta contract. I’ve got some stories, some good juicy stories on a couple of them. And then some others, you know, deals fall outta contract, you know, um, we’ve got $351,000 in closed profit to hit the, hit the book. So
Tony: (27:28)
Close to 30 grand a
Dean: (27:29)
Month. Yep. $75,000 of pending profit. We have one in escrow to sell right now. That’s one that we flipped. Um, this one we were thinking about keeping as an Airbnb. Yep. Yep. Um, neighbors were a little messy. So our buddy who’s a great, um, Airbnb host, uh, co-host in the area was like, Hmm, maybe you should flip it. Are the numbers good on that? Well, we looked at the comps juicy comps. We’re like, heck yeah, we’ll sell us. So that one’s gonna be, it’s already hard to know all the rehab numbers, selling costs, everything. It’s a $75,000 profit deal. So that’s $426,000 total. Okay. In that 12 months, um, there’s two other flips that we have in inventory. Um, one, we just got access to today and another one we’re getting access to in, um, two weeks with a share our flock out. There’s a juicy scammer story on that one. That’s, uh, um, you know, a, a juicy story for another time, but we’re getting access to that one. So between those two properties and appreciation, since the time we’ve owned them, um, those are gonna be anywhere combined to about 125 to hundred 50,000 in profit. Wow. So you put that all together. We’re easily 551 to 576,000 in total profit. Wow. For the year. So over half a million bucks.
Tony: (28:57)
Nice, nice.
Dean: (28:59)
And we’ve spent 101 in ad spend, which is about 83, uh, 8,300 bucks per month. Yep.
Tony: (29:06)
So that’s a little over five times, uh, return on investment. Yeah.
Dean: (29:09)
Right. And that’s us in two markets, two TV markets. Right.
Tony: (29:12)
Right. So when you compare that to other things, obviously the ROI may be a little bit lower than texting or cold to calling, right? Yeah. Cause you’re probably getting what maybe a 10 X, eight to 10 X
Dean: (29:21)
It’s like 11 or 12 for cold calling when I last looked. But again, but
Tony: (29:25)
The effort is 20 times more cuz you’re managing cold calling
Dean: (29:28)
It’s it’s a total profit. Right? My ad spend for cold calling was like 10 grand, 11 or 12 grand for, for the year made again. I have to go back and look, but a hundred, some odd thousand dollars. So
Tony: (29:42)
It’s not as
Dean: (29:43)
Scalable, not as scalable. That’s a, that’s a huge part to emphasize, not as scalable for us because the addressable market’s only so big. I can promise you. I’ve pulled about every perspective lead in our area, skip, trace them cold, call them, text them. How many times can you do that? You can do it a bunch of, but
Tony: (30:02)
They’re gonna get annoyed.
Dean: (30:03)
They’re gonna get annoyed. You’re talking to three, four times the amount of people to try to get a deal. These people are coming straight to us and they’re much higher quality leads.
Tony: (30:17)
Yeah. And you don’t have to build a rapport with them. I mean, you, you wanna build a little more rapport with them, but they already feel like they know you cuz if
Dean: (30:22)
Feel like they know you, you’re already the authority in that conversation, you’re not calling them hoping they want to sell. And just hoping you caught them at the right time, they’re calling you. And you’re, you’re the authority that was on TV. That’s the professional. So they’re looking to you to help solve their problem much more than most other marketing forms.
Tony: (30:42)
Right. Right. And really there’s no other competition in your market. Right.
Dean: (30:46)
There is none. Yeah. Well that’s not true. There is, there is another player in our market who, you know, has been doing it for years actually before us. Um, so they had, they had, and they had actually stopped for a year or two, but probably because they saw me on TV, they came back on.
Tony: (31:04)
Was your last name begin with an O
Dean: (31:05)
It does. Yeah. Yeah. You know who they’re. Yeah.
Tony: (31:09)
Cool. So, um, what does it look for? Uh, look like going forward, you pretty much just gonna continue the same ad spend. Do you, do you plan on increasing it? Do you plan on potentially opening up other markets? Cause we do have other clients that are, you know, they do well on one market and they’re like, man, I could plug this into another cuz you’re doing virtual anyway. Yeah. You’re in San Diego and you’re doing some stuff in Northern California. Yeah. Um, so you plan on potentially putting other markets or you just wanna
Dean: (31:34)
Potentially yeah. It’s, it’s uh, it’s in the cards. Um, it’s not outta the question. It’s um, just something we gotta kind of feel out and see if there’s some thing that’s a similar type of market that we feel we’d be effective in. Um, cuz I think again, one of the, one of the points that can be made is with TV, you set it up and you’re instantly on, you know, you’re not having to, um, put quite as much effort into other different campaigns and getting ’em all set yeah’s.
Tony: (32:04)
Other of thing is how much have you had to manage your TV
Dean: (32:06)
Commercials? That’s probably one of the most exciting things for me is I’ve tried to scale myself out of the business and, and quit doing all the little detail stuff is 12 months ago, I shot the commercial and I haven’t done a single thing, but pay the, the ad company, uh, agency, uh, a check every month. That’s it. That’s it haven’t changed a single thing. Haven’t changed a commercial haven’t uh, gone and tweaked anything done. Absolutely nothing. It’s
Tony: (32:37)
Beautiful. I love it. I love it. Good stuff. Good stuff. Anything else you wanna talk about TV and we’ll wrap up with, uh, with a few other things.
Dean: (32:44)
Yeah. Um, you know, I just say if someone’s questioning TV, you know, like I was, I had, I had some good valid points, you know, to kind of combat whether I wanted to do it or not. Um, I’m just thankful that I did it and so many different reasons, not only the, the money that we’ve made obvious, that’s probably the, the main reason someone would want to do it is make money. But just from a credibility standpoint,
Tony: (33:08)
Intangibles are, it’s
Dean: (33:09)
Hard to put a price on intangible. It’s hard to put a price on it, but you know, without doubt that it helps solidify you, um, on our postcards when we send those out to sellers, um, on our web website, um, and then on the TV obviously itself, we’re, we’re advertising that we’re on TV and it just helps us be more professional and uh, and be the authority in our market. So I, I just, I think even if you’re established or just getting started, it’s, it’s a great way for you to who get instant quality leads and, um, and take advantage of something that not everybody can do or is even doing
Tony: (33:49)
Awesome. Thanks for sharing those numbers and your results from TV. So if you guys want, uh, to learn more about TV in your market, go to real estate, masters, tv.com again, real estate masters, tv.com and, uh, see if your market’s available and we’ll see if we can get you on. So one thing I’m gonna wrap up with one thing you’re doing cool is the meet up, so, oh yeah. Um, you know, TV has helped that, um, one of the, the things that I’ve seen from, uh, working with a lot of clients throughout the country is there’s a really, um, good way you to get not only credibility, but also, uh, free leads if you will, uh, by holding meetups and, um, really just doing things educational wise for the community. So talk to us about what you’re doing with your meetups and what that’s done for you. Um, and, and the business that it’s brought in from that.
Dean: (34:40)
Yeah. Um, you know, just over the past couple years, I think my mindset shifted a lot in, in the business. You know, when I was first getting started, I wanted to conquer the world and wanted to do it by myself. And it was, you know, everyone else was a competitor and I wanna win and do more deals in them, make more money, you know? And, um, I don’t think that’s necessarily a, a bad thing. It’s just not a sustainable thing. Um,
Tony: (35:06)
It’s not as fun by,
Dean: (35:07)
It’s not as fun. That’s, that’s a really good way to put it. And I think it’s, again, it’s whether you wanna call it unhealthy or not. I don’t think it necessarily is because again, I think having that motivation and determination is good, but I will say without question, as I’ve shifted my mindset to more, you know what, I, we’ve got a great community here. Speaking of, you know, my market, we’ve got a great community, we’ve got great people. I’m gonna reach out to them more. I’m gonna have more conversations with them, be more open to sharing about what we’re doing, what’s working. And as I’ve really unpacked that over the years at this point, I’m really an open book. You know, I’ll tell you everything that we’re doing, what’s working, what’s not, and it hasn’t done anything to harm us. We’re doing better than we ever have before.
Dean: (35:54)
You know, and I really believe that by us being more willing to share and open, um, to help people that that’s come back tenfold. So what have we been doing? So specifically, there’s a couple things we’ve been doing. We started a meetup because I’m convinced that the more hands we shake, the more people that we’re willing to help, that God’s got a, a, a way of making that kind of come back to us. And that doesn’t necessarily all mean just from a dollar standpoint, right. A fulfillment standpoint of like, all right, we’re making a difference. We’re, we’re having more fun as a result of knowing more people and, uh, and getting involved with more people. So cuz doing it virtually, I’m sure you’ve felt this at times I’m in, I’m in my home office, you know, pounding away, working away and it’s pretty lonely there.
Dean: (36:47)
I do talk to people all day long, but I’m not receiving their energy in a face to face interaction. You know? Um, the real energy I’m receiving is just from my family, which is great and all, but it’s nice to receive some different energy sometimes. So the meetup was really, uh, a means to me getting out there more in the community and connecting with more people and trying to find more ways for us to work together, you know? And so we had an amazing turn. Now the very first meetup we did, which was February, 2020, uh, I think we had 75, 80 people there at the very first meetup. And that was, you know, a month’s notice before that. So that felt pretty good, you know, and there was a lot of great people there, a lot of great networking and from there was really kind of a ball effect of us making it known that not only are we doing a lot of deals, which people were witnessing, but were willing and able to help other people do more deals. And the more I started to like publicize that on social media, the more that people just kept reaching out to us and saying like, Hey, I got this Lee, you know, what are your thoughts? And so what it’s evolved into is I call it the friends with benefits program.
Dean: (38:09)
I was trying to think of something clever and, and cheeky. So friends with benefits and essentially what it is is, um, you can bring us a deal. You already have under contract, okay. Or you can bring us a lead, just a qualified lead. This person wants to sell great. Send it our way. We’ll even do all of the work beyond that. We’ll contact the seller, follow up with them, go on an appointment, take pictures, negotiate, get it under contract. We’ll find the buyer we’ll handle escrow. We’ll do all of that. And we’ll split the deal 50 50 with you. Wow. So for most people that are like, I, I stumbled on this lead helped me out. We closed 120,000. I was like 122 and change $122,000 profit net profit deal in 2020 from a lead just like that, Hey, I got this lead, this person’s motivated.
Dean: (39:02)
They got a serious problem. Squatters in the house with guns and drugs. They want to sell, this is their price. That’s their price. You sure. Okay, sure. We’ll get it under contract. Got it. Under a contract. We actually bought it closed on on it because it was that good of a deal. We didn’t wanna have it fall apart in escrow closed on it, turned around, sold it immediately. Got it in escrow closed on it. And um, that’s just a living example of this person, this, this, these people who had it under contract, could they have made money? Sure. Would they have made six, see some odd thousand dollars? No, they probably wouldn’t have got it under contract at the same price. They probably would’ve UN undersold it to a buyer that deal might have fallen apart. We gave them security and confidence. It was gonna close and they were gonna make that much money and probably more than they would’ve made.
Dean: (39:53)
Yeah. So for a lot of people starting out and even equally for people that are experienced, been doing it, but just don’t have, you know, the buyers to sell these properties that we do and the relationships we have, the expectations we’ve set. Um, we’re able to sell these properties very consistently for top dollar and have a really smooth process. And, and we’ve really got that dialed in. So we’ve been helping a lot of people almost daily at this point. Do I get leads coming in from, you know, the friends, friends with benefits program and, uh, it’s amazing. It’s so much fun because just the 20,025,000, $30,004,000 profit that I’m sending them, their half of the deal in, in just this past year has been so fun because that’s real money. That’s real impact on a lot of people. And uh, and it’s impacting us as well in a positive way.
Dean: (40:54)
Again, we did over a million dollars in revenue from that, um, friends with benefits program and it I’m convinced that it’s gonna continue growing more. So how have the meetups been? Meetups have been great and I’m convinced with certainty that TV has helped solidify and give these, these people confidence that these guys are the real deal. I’ve heard that phrase a lot. Like you guys are the real deal, just a call outta nowhere because they saw the commercial. They will say the phrase you guys are the real deal. Like, okay, I could, I could be doing two deals a month or doing 10 deals a month. Like we are now just because they see you on the commercial. They’re gonna tell you you’re the
Tony: (41:35)
Real deal. I know you’re crushing it. Like when I think when I first got on TV, people were like, man, you must be, uh, you know, knocking outta the park. I mean, I doing okay, but you know, it’s like the perception that people have when you’re on TV is just, it’s, it’s, it’s crazy. Um, like you, you may or may not get this cuz when you go to to your market. But when I go to my market at Wichita, Kansas, where I’m running TV commercials, people always recognize me and they’ll just start conversations as if they know me. You know what I’m saying? Tony Javier. And then there’s this guy that worked at whole foods. And every time I go to whole foods, he’d like a, now Tony, Javier, I just kinda put my head down. I’m like, yeah, it’s just, it’s just kind of funny. Have you seen,
Dean: (42:15)
Did you gotta get selfies?
Tony: (42:17)
Yeah. Gotta
Dean: (42:18)
Get selfies next charge for autographs. There you go.
Tony: (42:20)
Absolutely good stuff, man. Anything else you wanna leave with our, uh, listeners with, uh, you’re doing some amazing things and uh, I know you’re given a lot of value to people and just dialing it in man. So yeah. Congrats on success.
Dean: (42:32)
We’re we’re in a good group right now. And again, I feel we’ve been talking about this internally with our team. I feel like we’re just barely still scratching the surface. So I feel like there’s a lot of room for more growth and uh, yeah, if you guys are on the fence about TV or have any questions, you know, feel free to reach out. But I think it’s a no brainer again, whether you’re getting started or you’re looking to expand or grow O or solidify your brand. I think it’s, it’s a great way to do it.
Tony: (42:57)
Yep. Real estate masters, tv.com. If you wanna check out TV and then, uh, Dean has a YouTube channel. You wanna tell people where to reach. You
Dean: (43:03)
Don’t have, uh, anything special other than just go to YouTube and type in Dean Rogers. You’ll see my face right there. Please subscribe, check us out. We’re gonna have a lot of great content coming out. So look forward to interacting with, with you there.
Tony: (43:15)
And I’ll be on there soon too. So check it out. Yes
Dean: (43:17)
You will.
Tony: (43:17)
All right. Thanks Dean. Thanks for coming
Dean: (43:18)
On bud. Thanks man.
Tony: (43:20)
All right. Thanks for listening guys.
Tony: (43:21)
Thanks for listening. Now. Go to www.remcommunity.com to connect with today’s guest. See your high level masterminds and to get free resources. Don’t forget to share this with a friend and leave us a five star review we’ll see on the next episode.